Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Slavery in America Timeline


             Slavery in America Timeline

1. 1600 Crossing of the

2. 1692 Slaves arrive in James Town

3. 1763 Population of slaves increase to 230,000

4. 1852 Fugitive slave act is put into order

5. 1852 Harriot Tubman furthers underground rail road to Canada/Northeast America

6. 1857 "A slave is not free just because he is in a slave state" -Supreme court

7. 1860 Textile mills flourish causing a great demand for cotton

8. 1861 seven states secede from union

9. 1861 Civil war outbreak

10. 1862 Lincoln implements Union Army into civil war

                                   Harriet Tubman
                             Inside of A Textile Mill


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