Monday, October 13, 2014

Lewis and Clark blog post

Lewis and Clark and the Corps of Discovery set out to explore the Missouri river and to become friends (if possible) with the natives. Part of the mission was also to discover new plants and animals, that were not known to humans before.

                                         Lewis and Clark route

[Clark, July 28, 1804]

Today was Saturday, We were out hunting and found an Indian fellow. He wasn't alone, he had with him a group of about 20 or some men, and he wasn’t a threat. We then got hungry and went fishing, we caught three fat catfish, those fish are good to eat, and plenty of meat on them suckers. Finally last to be noted Willard lost his gun, that wasn’t very responsible of him.
                                                                    A Catfish in its hole

[Clark, July 29, 1804]

Today was Sunday, and it was a bitterly cold day. We send a French man to go speak with the Indians, we wanted to meet them up on the river. It was really raining all throughout the evening today, still no word from the French man. Another one of our men almost lost their gun in the river, shame on them.
                                                   Engaging in trade with Indians

[Clark, August 4, 1804]

Today is Saturday, lots of interesting things happening today. Last night a really harsh wind blew in, and almost knocked my socks off. The wind was so strong that it even felled some trees, sadly one of our men is still out looking for his knife and has not come back yet. We camped at a Beaver house and remained chilled until sun broke out once again.
                                                                     A Beaver House


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