Sunday, October 12, 2014

Great Journey Through Lowell


       My journey through Lowell

MONDAY 10/6/14
Today was Monday, I woke up and grabbed the closest pair of boxers I found. Then I proceeded to stumble my way into my shower, got out and threw some clothes on. By this point I was somewhat in a clearer state of mind, I rushed outside because by this point it was 7:00 and my bus leaves at 7:02. As I sprinted to the bus stop I saw the bus calmly chugging away while my friend sat inside laughing at me with this look of pity and pure feral greed of the extra seat he now possessed. Might as well get on with it, as I began the walk to school I noticed it was starting to get chilly around 60 degrees Fahrenheit. 20 minutes later I was at the steps of my future, I’m not going to forget to mention that I was borderline late so I rush to Mr.Murphys room and edge my way into the turquoise seat that was now inevitably mine.
                 My High School (Lowell High School)

Tuesday 10/7/14
Overall today was a pretty boring day. After I left 2nd period I met up with my girlfriend in the hallway, we made some small talk about how late I’m going to be and I was on my way. As I walked into room 622 the feeling crept in again like it does every day, dozens of eyes digging their gaze into my pace, if it was fast or slow, trying to evaluate my mood? I sat down, glanced over at my friends tossed them a hello and then set my sight on the behemoth Lowell High calls a TV. The program on today was about how one would appropriately leave the school in case there was to be a fire. In my honest opinion all that stuff would go out the window once I saw some flames launching themselves at my sight. When advisory finished I left the room and went down into the gym, walked into the locker room and got that ever so welcoming smell of musky tootsie-rolls, it’s the only way I can describe it. Gym was great, coach Donohue came back, I really enjoyed his presence. For some odd reason people like him that put others in their place really shines a light into my heart, kind of reminds me it’s still there.
                     The Merrimack river walk

FRIDAY 10/10/14
Friday was good, Friday was very good. I woke up right on time, took a great shower, and arrived just in time for the bus. I talked to my friend about the NASDAQ and how penny stocks are for fools. When I arrived at school, went up to Mr. Murphy’s as usual, we drew a map of our route to school, thank god it was still fresh in my cranium. After 1st and 2nd period I say my girlfriend in the tunnel we talked a bit and I went over to my advisory to get a library pass, we went to the library and I finished up some French homework. Biology wasn’t fun we had another sub and she was really strict, so I didn’t get much out of that. I went to lunch and saw the nachos, oh the envy, perfectly room temperature. After lunch I did my usual schedule and ended up going on the bus after school ended, no hanging out with my girlfriend today. I got home saw the two pizzas on the table and quietly threw a fit with the voices in my head. I decided to take a nap, and the rest is a blur.
                       The Lowell skyline

Question #1- It would be really hard to keep a journal for a long time, mainly because of how bored I would get writing about the stuff I wrote. Unless I was doing fun stuff, I would be totally happy writing about fun things.

Question #2- I would probably enjoy it, if and only if I was doing something I liked.

Question #3- I would because, writing about stuff I like is easy and I get carried into the topic, and I love getting lost into a subject I love.

                            Link to my map


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