Monday, December 29, 2014

BLOG: Slave Narrative

                                 Slave Narrative

         This slave narrative is about a slave named, Miss Irene Robertson. Miss Irene Robertson was a slave in Washington, she had two slave masters and lived with her family throughout her life. Miss Irene Robertson was never sold, her 8 siblings also were not sold, her mother was sold at some point, but she was later bought once again. Near the end of her life Miss Irene Robertson’s father was given a piece of land by his father, his brother was also given land. The purpose of this given land was to run a cotton gin. When Miss Irene Robertson’s family was starting to do well with their gin someone came into their warehouse and burnt it to the ground. Miss Irene Robertson proceeds to speak about how this caused great heartache to her father. She then finishes her narrative by saying that the youth now do not like to work.

         I can conclude from this narration that Miss Irene Robertson lived a really hard life, but she was never separated from her family. I can also conclude that Miss Irene Robertson was persecuted after she was freed because someone burnt to the ground her family’s barn. Lastly I can conclude that Miss Irene Robertson is not very happy with the attitude of today’s youth.




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