Sunday, May 17, 2015

Current Events May 2015

Robots threaten these 8 jobs

This article is about the 8 jobs that are threatened to be taken over by robots.

  • Robots threaten the jobs of Cashiers and Toll booth operators.
  • Robots threaten the jobs of marketers and advertisers. 
  • Robots will take over customer service.
  • Robots threaten the jobs of factory workers.
  • Robots basically threaten the jobs of ALL service people. 
jobs threatened by robots

I don't think robots are gonna take over ALL the jobs. For goodness sake if you are good at your job then a robot won't be able to fully take over it. Unless the robot is cheaper then of course you'll be fired. But! there will have to be robot fixing people, and lots of those people.  This issue affects a lot of people basically everyone except the president.


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