French and Indian War

French and Indian War assignment,Mr.Murphy,Period 1

Declaration of Independence Blog Assignment

Declaration of Independence Blog Assignment,Mr.Murphy,Period 1

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Sunday, May 17, 2015

Current Events May 2015

Robots threaten these 8 jobs

This article is about the 8 jobs that are threatened to be taken over by robots.

  • Robots threaten the jobs of Cashiers and Toll booth operators.
  • Robots threaten the jobs of marketers and advertisers. 
  • Robots will take over customer service.
  • Robots threaten the jobs of factory workers.
  • Robots basically threaten the jobs of ALL service people. 
jobs threatened by robots

I don't think robots are gonna take over ALL the jobs. For goodness sake if you are good at your job then a robot won't be able to fully take over it. Unless the robot is cheaper then of course you'll be fired. But! there will have to be robot fixing people, and lots of those people.  This issue affects a lot of people basically everyone except the president.

Leading to Civil War

1. Missouri Compromise (1820) (map) Missouri Compromise map
This event led to the Civil War by igniting the fuse for the division of the states, into north and south. 

                              2. Wilmont Proviso (1846) (map)
This event led to the Civil War because it let people know that different parts of the United States wanted different things and they would fight for those things. 
This shows that the states began to sort of pull together since they were starting to gain a tad more freedom.
Uncle Tom's cabin depicted the life of a slave which really affected how the northerners felt about the south, and concreted their beliefs.
Lastly the Kansas-Nebraska act showed that people did not want to live together all in one democratic agreement and would fight for their protection.

Frederick Douglass

Frederick Douglass

The following quotes are by Frederick Douglass.

"Would you have me argue that man is entitled to liberty?"
  • Here Douglass is talking about how it can not be argued that a man does not have liberty.
"Is it that slavery is not divine; that God did not establish it; that our doctors of divinity are mistaken?"
  • Douglass talks about how god did not give slavery to man and that he can not be used as an excuse for slavery.
"I do not despair of this country."
  • Douglass is saying that the speech he has given does not mean that he hates America, only that he wants to see it improve.
"I am not included within the pale of glorious anniversary!"
  • Here he is saying that he is not free and since 4th of July represents freedom then he can not participate in the anniversary.
"Must I argue the wrongfulness of slavery?"
  • Douglass says that its pretty clear that everyone knows that slavery is bad, thus he doesn't have to argue anyone against it.

To a black man the fourth of July means nothing since he is not while while his white counterparts are is what Douglass's speech directs. 


Monday, April 27, 2015

Pope Francis uses 'genocide' to refer to mass killings of Armenians by Turks

Pope Francis uses 'genocide' to refer to mass killings of Armenians by Turks

Pope Francis call mass killing of Armenians a genocide, thus angering Turks.Turkey called for  the ambassador from the Vatican for a meeting. Gursoy says that the Pope's use of the word "genocide" was bare boned one sided insult towards the Turks.

  • Pope insulting Turks
  • Pope sympathizing with Armenians
  • Turks angry at Pope's insult
  • Armenians indifferent
My thoughts on this issue are one sided also. I am not religious but I find no reason even for Pope to even talk on these topics. The Pope shouldn't care really, I understand that the Pope is supposed to stay relevant but still he shouldn't be insulting any of the peoples of any countries.  This topic probably affects religious people or the Turks themselves.

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Abolitionist and Women's Movements

Women's and Black rights.

Both Frederick Douglass and Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Lucretia Mott share similarities in their views. For example, all three of these people, or both of these movements illustrate the desire for rights to be given. In Frederick's case he wants for Black people to be free and be able to do anything that the white man can do. The Women's rights movement also wants right but they want women to have all of the rights that men have. Both of these movements also desperately desire for the people they represent to be independent, Frederick Douglass wants black people to be independent of the white man, and the women want to be independent from their husbands. 

                                                         February 14     Frederick Douglass

                                                     July 19, 1848    Womens want womens rights

Thursday, March 12, 2015



The transcendentalism movement in the 1800s was religious and philosophical movement epoch that shaped how Americans thought. Transcendentalism revolves around the major principle that a person’s knowledge comes through intuition and creative development not through logic or the institutionalized education.

                                                Henry David Thoreau

- "Do not hire a man who does your work for money, but him who does it for love of it."

In this quote I can see that Henry David Thoreau is trying to put across a message of morality. If a man is only doing a job because he needs the money then he's going to do it just till he needs the money. But if someone does a job because they love it then they will continue to do it loyally and with fault, and most important they will be happy.
- "I have learned, that if one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life he has imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours."

This quote for the most part means that if you drop whatever you do not want to do and pursue what you do want to do then you will eventually achieve that goal and it will happen in a shorter time than expected.

                                                                       Ralph Waldo Emerson

- "He who is not everyday conquering some fear has not learned the secret of life."

This quote is simple but it means a lot. It means that if you do not push yourself everyday to go and experience something new and to test your limits then you are wasting time.

- "Men love to wonder, and that is the seed of science."

This quote means one very important thing. It means that if man was not curious the man would never get to where he is now the all of the technological advancements.

Monday, February 23, 2015

Trail of Tears

                             Trail of Tears

         The Trail of Tears was a result of Andrew Jackson's Indian removal policy, in 1838 and 1839. The Cherokee a Native American tribe indigenous to the Southeastern United States, suffered the catalyst of a bloodthirsty U.S government that forced them to move out of their native lands. The Cherokee agreed to the Treaty of New Echota, which allowed the U.S government to gain control of all the land east of the Mississippi and granted $5 million to the Cherokee from the federal government. The Indian Removal Act was made official by Congress on May 28, 1830, which granted President Andrew Jackson the ability to negotiate with the indigenous tribes of the Southeastern United States for “their” land. The Seminole War, also named the infamous Florida War, was a conflict from 1835 to 1842 between various groups of Native Americans known wholly as Seminoles and the United States. These wars resulted in 3,800 Seminoles being transported to Indian Territory, and 300 left in Everglades. The Black Hawk War was a short dispute in 1832 between the United States and Native Americans led by “Black Hawk”, a Sauk leader. The Black Hawk war tapered off The Trail of Tears and included a crushing blow to the Native and American combatants of 600 casualties.