French and Indian War

French and Indian War assignment,Mr.Murphy,Period 1

Declaration of Independence Blog Assignment

Declaration of Independence Blog Assignment,Mr.Murphy,Period 1

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Sunday, November 23, 2014

The Second Great Awakening

The Second Great Awakening was the spearhead of the evangelical trident that made its way across the great plains of the United States of America. Because of the separation of politics and religious negotiations in the U.S government. The Second Great Awakening consists of Congregationalists, Baptists, Methodists, Presbyterians, Mormons and Unitarians. Although these different branches of Christianity have endowed upon different rights and principals, they all fundamentally adhere to the same baselines.
                                                                1839 Methodist camp meeting

                Religious and Philosophical Reform

The Presbyterian Church:
Founded in the 1983 in the U.S.A
Enhanced with  ideas from John Calvin's religious teachings.
Strongly believes that God is the main authority over the religion and the world.
Believes that gaining salvation is God's gift and not from hard work.
Strictly follows the New Testament of the Bible and uses it to know about God and his purposes.

The Congregational Church:
Founded in 1681
Belief in Loyalty and sacred hearts
Has similar elements of Elizabethan Separatism.
Taught by Robert Browne.

Practices aspersion, sprinkling water on someone's head for cleansing of the body and spirit
Originated from Jesus's disciple John.

Founded in 1744.
Formed in England.
Has principles of Protestant.
Practices the Trinity

Found in 1774
Theophilus Lindsey organised meetings
The religion itself has no set beliefs.

Known commonly as the church of Latter-day Saints.
Founded in 1830
Joseph Smith Jr. founding father of Mormonism
Founded in New York.
Mormon religion allows polygamy

To my long distant family

When you’re traveling constantly it’s easy to forget where you’re going and where you came from. Conversations went a different way when I was talking to these people, the people back in Cambridge would have called these generous loving beings "savages". They weren’t expecting me to be there when they went for their daily rounds, along the Cumberland Gap. There I was in the chasm, face bloody with the ashen powder from my carabineers. Abequa was leaning over me palpating my now cloven leather boot straps, she’d never seen something so magnificent even when it was down into the belly of its last moments. I’d never seen something as beautiful as its longest years from a rosewood writing palate. Abequa was the tribes most influential virgin, despite what the other boys said about Teresysa. Nevertheless my job here in the west was to establish an empire not a family.

The Shawnee are people of a different age. This morning I woke up and was off on my way into Donner's Pass to collect my daily ration of berries. Suddenly I was swarmed by a feeling of warm buzzing inside my head, the buzzing had a name and his name was Damon. Damon had taught me that a lesson and that lesson was, “Never leave your back open to the Shawnee.” That’s how he justified knocking me over the head with a hemp weaved bag of chestnuts. I asked Damon why I always felt kind of encapsulated in a vacuum of fear when walking through this passage. He explained to me that years ago a family got stuck going through this very passage, and when the time came that they ran out of food they ate each other.
                                                                              The Donner Party

                                                                                    Donner Map

After being laden with the day’s daily tasks I and Sacagawea went on a peaceful nature walk up on the summit of Mount Whitney. She loved to tell me stories of how she was growing up, and how nature really impacted her life in such a strong way. We had almost reached the climax of this mountain when we bumped into a group of hostile natives, literally we bumped into them. They were very and I explicitly direct this at them they were with much intent of malice upon our humble souls. Sacagawea was very prepared and within a matter of minutes she diffused the situation and we were well off on our way. Apparently what had really happened was a miss communication. The native mountain people that were indigenous to these slopes had received a message that hostile foreigners would be in the area. And to our disbelief they assumed we were the 20 man party they were expecting. All I can say now is that we skim swaddled out of there very quickly.

When I took the first step to sovereign and economic freedom I was addicted. For my family I write to tell you that I can no longer go back, I am in too deep here. It’s a whole new world that I was exposed to, ever since have been talking to these organically created humans my leaving party has been hit with a juggernaut of emotional righteousness. I’m planning on staying here on the west coast and earn a living selling shoes to passing cowboys. I no longer have plans of establishing a family for I fear I have gone too deep into my future without taking the proper safety precautions.

                                                                           Cowboy boots I am soon to be making

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Election Day!


                                                                     Election Day!
Election Day is a day in which Americans vote for their favorite candidate to be prompted into a higher position of office. Election Day determines senators and even state representative of a state. Election Day is considered a holiday only in Massachusetts, Delaware, Illinois, Hawaii, Michigan, Indiana, Montana, and West Virginia. Election Day is always on a Tuesday because in 1845, when the United States was mostly an agrarian country, the week was divided up by the events being held. So it only made sense the Election Day would be on a Tuesday because all the other days were taken up.

Massachusetts Elected Officials

Secretary William Galvin

Federal Representative of Massachusetts

Congresswoman Niki Tsongas (Democrat)

State Representative of Massachusetts 

Congressman Richard Neal (Democrat)
Senate leader Congressman Edward Markey (Democrat)

Senators of Massachusetts 

Elizabeth Warren (Democrat)
Edward Markey (Democrat)

                                                 Three branches of U.S government

                                                Charlie baker, New governor of Massachusetts

                                                             Massachusetts state flag