French and Indian War

French and Indian War assignment,Mr.Murphy,Period 1

Declaration of Independence Blog Assignment

Declaration of Independence Blog Assignment,Mr.Murphy,Period 1

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Sunday, September 28, 2014


      Great Compromise
The Great Compromise truly struck a chord on the banjo of history. What basically happened was the Virginia delegation wanted to make votes proportional to a state's population, the problem with this was smaller states. An example was New Jersey, the New Jersey delegation did not want votes to be proportional to a state's population in the house. Why was New Jersey so up in arms about this? New Jersey and other small states came to the realization that if this "Virginia Plan" was applied then they would never have as much power as the bigger states had, the smaller states would ultimately be at the control of larger states with more power than them. So the New Jersey plan was formulated, this plan had a unicameral basis the gist of it was that each state would only get one vote, no matter the population. In the end what happened was both plans got merged together to form The Great Compromise, this new plan would create two houses. One of the houses called the House of Representatives would award votes based on the number of citizens a state had, the second house would be called the senate, this house would give every state 2 senators to represent them no matter the population of the state. Finally this bicameral way of counting votes was decided upon and both large and small states were happy.

      Three-Fifths Compromise
Southern states and Northern states agreed on something,finally.The issue was that slave owning states wanted to have their slaves counted, because the higher the population count was then the more power the state was given. But there is a catch, the Southern states didn’t want to pay taxes on these slaves, all they wanted from the slaves was their body count and the work they provided. The Northern states had a big problem with this, they didn’t think it was fair that the Slave states could get more votes and didn’t have to pay for those votes. What ended up happening was the Northern states and the Southern states came to the conclusion that a slave was worth three-fifths of a person, thus allowing the Southern states to get some extra votes but the Northern states not feeling cheated when it came to population.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Declaration of Independence Blog Assignment

King George III:Hey! Just checking in on you guys,how's it coming along?

Thomas Jefferson:How is what coming along?

King George III:You know the whole us(me) controlling the colonies thing.

Thomas Jefferson:How do you think its coming along? 
Drafting Committee

King George III:That looks like fun! Whats the party all about?

Thomas Jefferson:Umm we are officially declaring independence from the British empire.

King George III:So why again are you doing all this?

Thomas Jefferson:Because the British Empire has always treated the colonies bad,we have the right to create a government that is molded around our beliefs,a government that will keep us safe.

King George III:What are some of the reasons for why you want to be independent?

Thomas Jefferson:Ill give you three,just off the top of my head 
                                        -We have natural rights,rights that were bestowed upon us by our                                                   creator,rights that can never be removed.           
                                      -We have the right to overthrow a government that is being unruly                                                   with us,we can then form a new government that better suits us.     
                                      -Lastly,we have been forced to house British soldiers in our homes.  

Thomas Jefferson:Furthermore we even tried to appeal your decisions in the colonies,we threw the tea that was being held in Boston harbor,Also we even wrote The Olive Branch Petition in which we tried to reason with you.

King George III:So from this point on the colonies are completely cut off from the British Empire?

Thomas Jefferson: Yes,in fact this is what is going on right now where I am.
Pulling Down the Statue of King George III
King George III:I hope it is worth it losing the great king you had.
King George III

Monday, September 8, 2014

French And Indian War

                                   "Join or Die. Drawing by Benjamin Franklin, May 9, 1754

The French and Indian War took place in 1754-1763,The French and Indian War was fought between British America and New France.The French and Indian War was fought because both France and British America wanted control of the trade routes.Specifically the Allegheny River and the Monongahela River now present day Pennsylvania.In the end of the war France was outmatched by Britain,thus the Treaty of Paris was signed on February 10th of 1763.Which entailed France to cede from the war but keep to islands with fishing rights,these islands are the present day Caribbean islands which France though would yield them much sugar cane.

                                                1750 possessions of Britain,and France
